
by admin
Welcome to this board!
Welcome to the lounge forum in C++.com! In this forum, users can to talk about topics other than programming. Feel free to participate in a constructive and p...
[no replies]
by zapshe
AI is something special (1,2,3,4)
I feel like AI is getting overlooked by many. I feel like I have a real professional in any field I want to learn about just waiting for me to ask things. Yes,...
[71 replies] Last: HUH? You're not forced to reply either. I just wanted to reach some co... (by zapshe)
Website does not work properly with Linux
Hi guys, on my Linux machine (Ubuntu 22.04.05) the website does not work properly. I need to use the legacy version by clicking on the button at the top right ...
[6 replies] Last: Ah, it seems my understanding of the problem is in error. Sorry. (by Duthomhas)
Short films worth watching
I don’t particularly like horror, but this one was great! The Curse of Dracular https://youtu.be/kjd6jETfd5c?si=Oa9pabr4-kvrHC6v (Contains a claymation...
[8 replies] Last: LOL, yeah, it was Melissa driving, I wasn’t in the car, but she saw ... (by Duthomhas)
New Safe C++ Proposal (1,2,3,4,5,6)
There is now a Safe C++ proposal that extends C++ by defining a superset of the language that can be used to write code with strong safety guarantees. See: htt...
[104 replies] Last: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42231489 I've been reading quite... (by helios)
C++23 has finally been accepted by ISO as the latest C++ standard ISO/IEC 14882:2024 For a useful summary of features see https://www.cppstories.com/2024/cp...
[3 replies] Last: Note that something like for (auto& elem : getVector()) has always b... (by Peter87)
by helios
Unpopular opinions (1,2)
The plural of "layoff" is "layoves". Every non-pressurized drink should come in a bag, as it's a much more efficient packaging (assuming it must be disposabl...
[25 replies] Last: Oh, interesting. I should have at least looked up the Wiktionary defin... (by Ganado)
Another one bites the dust
Codeproject has joined those other great sites that have gone to the cloud. It's ceased to host new content and displaying existing content is limited to the fi...
[no replies]
Windows water mark now appears on desktop
I was messing around with some programs. Not sure what happened but there was now a watermark saying to activate windows. Said go to settings which I did. Then ...
[1 reply] : Definitely run a full virus scan (Windows Defender will do), but it is... (by Duthomhas)
Fox-Star Search Fun (1,2)
A recent question asked about the A* Search algorithm (https://cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/285875/#msg1243408 ), something I had never messed with, so I decid...
[28 replies] Last: Take your time, I already know how to ensure your code does compile wi... (by deleted account xyzzy)
C++ fixed size string
Why is something like this not part of the C++ stdlib, only available in many different 3rd party libraries? One example, header only, with a vcpkg package: fi...
[7 replies] Last: So you'd rather have tons of 3rd party libraries instead, or custom co... (by deleted account xyzzy)
How to use C++ like modules in Arduino
Hello everyone, I recently came across this thread on How to use modules in C++ posted on the forum by @ frek dated June 7, 2022. Please, I have two broad...
[9 replies] Last: I think current Arduino complier does support standard C++14 and C++1... (by deleted account xyzzy)
While bumping around in the available vcpkg libraries early this morning I ran across one that looks IMO rather interesting, a terminal UI package: https://g...
[no replies]
by Ganado
New account creation is still broken (1,2)
I remember somebody mentioned a while back that new account creation is broken, but I can't find the post*. I tried to make an account just as a test, and the ...
[35 replies] Last: **Boot!** (by deleted account xyzzy)
by Ch1156
C++ Concept Visualizations
So I've been thinking of something and i thought it would be helpful to be able to see how things work in C++ instead of trying to visualize them yourself, its ...
[9 replies] Last: I will see if i can figure out how to make these more digestible while... (by Ch1156)
Hmmmmmm.....dynamic polymorphism library
https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/announcing-the-proxy-3-library-for-dynamic-polymorphism/ I saw this as an item in the VS 2022 news feed, any comments ...
[no replies]
NVidia GeForce Experience problems
A couple of days ago after installing the latest NVidia drivers for my GeForce GT 1030 video card I started having intermittent slowdown problems on the PC. At...
[15 replies] Last: Alas, I am back on the East Coast. Otherwise I’d drive one over to ... (by zapshe)
Another one bites the dust
https://simontoth.substack.com/p/daily-bite-of-c-end-of-line RIP Daily bit(e). You will be missed but never forgotten. For the archive, see https://github...
[1 reply] : The ephemeral nature of the interwebz rules all, unfortunately. C++, ... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Looking for feedback to sanity check my expectations of junior and not-so-junior C++ developers. Currently wondering how things have changed since I started in ...
[13 replies] Last: Could count on one hand the number of professors that didn't upset me... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Crowdstrike BSOD
A flawed security update by Crowdstrike is causing BSOD for windows computers wordwide. It seems to be caused by csagent.sys The workaround Steps are: Boot Wi...
[18 replies] Last: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHrayP-Y71Q An update to the previous... (by TheIdeasMan)
  Archived months: [dec2024]